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Dr. Dorothea Kleine

Dr. Dorothea Kleine ist Senior Lecturer am Royal Holloway College der Universität London.
Sie ist Leiterin des ICT4D Centres (für Forschung im Bereich Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie in Zusammenhang mit Entwicklung) and arbeitet am UNESCO Chair in ICT4D. Sie is Fellow der Royal Geographical Society und Mitglied der IGU Commission on the Geography of the Global Information Society. Sie versteht Entwicklung als nachhaltige Entwicklung, die ökologische, soziale und ökonomische Aspekte zu verbinden sucht. Im Zusammenhang mit IKT und Globalisierung interessieren sie Grundsatzfragen, z.B. Gerechtigkeit des Zugangs zu Information, lokale nachhaltige Wirtschaftsentwicklung, die Rolle von Public-Private Partnerships, Gender und Technologie, und Wahlfreiheit in der Technologienutzung. Forschungsprojekte in Europa und Lateinamerika  liegen im Bereich e-business, e-procurement und e-government. Ihr zweites Buch in diesem Bereich, Technologies of Choice? ICTs, human development and the capabilities approach (MIT Press) wird im Herbst 2012 erscheinen.


      • Kleine, D. (2005): Surfen in Birkenstocks – Das Potential des Internet für den Fairen Handel, Hochschulschriften zur Nachhaltigkeit: Oekom Verlag, Munich
      • Kleine, D. (forthcoming autumn 2012): Technologies of Choice? – ICTs, human development and the capabilities approach, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press 

      • Light, A., Kleine, D. and M. Vivent  (2009): Performing Charlotte: A Tool to bridge Cultures in Participatory Design, International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development 
      • Kleine, D. and T. Unwin (2009):Technological Revolutions, Evolutions, and new Dependencies: What’s new about ICT4D?, Third World Quarterly 
      • Kleine, D. (2009): The Ideology behind the Technology - Chilean Microentrepreneurs and public ICT-policies, Geoforum
      • Kleine, D. (2008): Negotiating Partnerships, Understanding Power: Doing Action Research on Chilean Fairtrade Wine Value Chains, The Geographical Journal, 174(2), 95-191
      • Kleine, D. (2007): Striking a Balance. Engineering and Technology 2 (2), 30-33
      • Bohle, H.G., Kleine, D. and E. Kulke (2006): Research Assessment in Germany, section in: Castree, N., Research Assessment and the Production of Geographical Knowledge, Progress in Human Geography, 30 (6), 753-755 
      • E. J. Wilson, III, Best, M.L. & D. Kleine (2005): Open Access Publishing and the Creative Community. Information Technologies and International Development, 2(4), iii - iv
      • Best, M.J., Kleine, D., and E.W. Wilson (2005): Moving Beyond “The Real Digital Divide”, Information Technology and International Development, 2 (3), iii-v
      • Kleine, D. (2005): Fairtrade.com versus Fairtrade.org - how Fairtrade Organisations use the Internet, Interacting with Computers, 17 (1), 57-83

      • Kleine, D. (2009, forthcoming): ‘The men never say that they do not know’ – Telecentres as Gendered Spaces, In: Villanueva, E. (ed.):  ICTs for Development in South America, Central America and the Caribbean: Theory, Practice and the Digital Divide (Vol. 4), IGI Global
      • Kleine, D. (2009): “Case-Study: Chilean ICT Policies and Microentrepreneurs”. In: Unwin, T. (ed.), ICT4D - Information Technologies for International Development, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 198-199
      • Kleine, D. (2009, forthcoming): How fair is fair enough? Negotiating alterity and compromise within the German Fair Trade movement, In: Fuller, D., Jonas, A. E., and Lee, R. Alternative Economic and Political Spaces, Ashgate, Aldershot
      • Kleine, D. (2009, forthcoming): Environmental Certification. In: Encyclopedia of Geography, London: Sage
      • Kleine, D. (2010): “Environmental Certification”. In: Encyclopedia of Geography, edited by Barney Wharf, Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Vol. 2, Article No. 352, 914-916
      • Kleine, D. (2010) “‘The men never say that they do not know’ – Telecentres as Gendered Spaces”. In: Steyn, J., van Belle, J.P, and Villanueva, E. (ed.): ICTs for Global Development and Sustainability: Practice and Applications, IGI Global, 189-210 
      • Kleine, D. (2010) “How Fair is Fair Enough? Negotiating Alterity and Compromise within the German Fair Trade Movement”. In: Fuller, D., Lee, R. and Leyshon, A. (eds): Interrogating Alterity, Aldershot: Ashgate, 113-131
      • Kleine, D. (2010): ICT4What? Using the Choice Framework to Operationalise the Capability Approach to Development, Journal of International Development, 22(5), 674-692
      • Kleine, D. (2011): The Capability Approach and the ‘Medium of Choice’: Conceptualising Information and Communication Technologies for Development, Journal of Ethics and Information Technology, 13(2), 119-130
      • Kleine, D., Light, A., and Montero, M. (2012), Signifiers of the life we value? – considering human development, technologies and Fair Trade from the perspective of the capabilities approach, Information Technology for Development, 18:1, 42-60
      • Kleine, D. (forthcoming 2012): “Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in der internationalen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (ICT4D)“, in Schüller-Zwierlein, A. and N. Zillien (eds): Age of Access? Grundfragen der Informationsgesellschaft, Vol.1: Informationsgerechtigkeit, Berlin: De Gruyter Verlag 

      • Kleine, D. and Light, A. (2010): Fairtracing.org and Ethical Marketing 2.0, Proceedings of the Research Councils UK Annual Digital Economy Meeting, Nottingham, 11-12 October 2010 
      • Kleine, D. (2009): ‘ICT4What? Using the Choice Framework to Operationalise the Capability Approach to Development’. Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Information Technology and Development 2009, Doha, Qatar, 17-19 April 2009. 
      • Geldof, M., Grimshaw, D., Kleine, D. and Unwin, T. (2011): What are the key lessons of ICT4D partnerships for poverty reduction?, Systematic Review Report, UK Department of International Development (DFID)
      • Dell’Osa, P., Unwin, T., Kleine, D., (2011) ICTD2010 Post Conference Report, 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development, UNESCO Chair/Centre in ICT4D, Royal Holloway, University of London, February 2011
      • Price, M., Griffin, D, and Kleine, D. (2004): Important Aspects of the National Legal Framework Applying to Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Chile, Colombia, Honduras, and Peru, Report prepared for the EU-@Lis Programme, Stanhope Centre for Communications Policy Research, London 

      Price, M., Griffin, D. and Kleine, D. (2004): Aspectos Importantes del Marco Legal National Aplicable a Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas en Chile, Colombia, Honduras y Peru, Informe, EU-@Lis Programme (GTZ), Stanhope Centre for Communications Policy Research, London 

      • Kleine, D. (2007) Empowerment and the Limits of Choice: Microentrepreneurs, Information and Communication Technologies and State Policies in Chile, (unpublished PhD thesis), Department of Geography and Environment. London, London School of Economics and Political Science
      • Kleine, D. (2007) – Contributing to two podcasts for the Open University Module T324: Keeping Ahead in Information and Communication Technology
      • Kleine, D. (2004): Review of P. Ibarra (ed.), Social Movements and Democracy, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 22(4), 626-627
      • Price, M., Griffin, D. und Kleine, D. (2004): Important Aspects of the National Legal Framework Applying to Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Chile, Colombia, Honduras, and Peru, Report prepared for the EU-@Lis Programme, Stanhope Centre for Communications Policy Research, London (report also available in Spanish) 
      • Invited Lectures and Conference Papers
        ICT4What? Using the Choice Framework to operationalise the Capability Approach to Development, Paper presented at the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Information Technology and Development 2009, Doha, Qatar, 19 April 2009
      • Learning to do Research 2.0: The Fair Tracing Project. Presented at the EPSRC Bridging the Global Digital Divide Research Network Annual Meeting, Emmanuel College, Cambridge. 5 January 2008, (with Ian Brown, Ashima Chopra, Apurba Kundu, Ann Light, Maria Montero, Christian Wallenta)
      • Designing a value chain information system with producers and consumers: The Fair Tracing Project, Paper presented at the EPSRC Workshop on Ethical Consumption, Traceability and ICT, Royal Holloway, University of London, 23 October 2008, (with Ann Light, Helen LeVoi, Maria Montero and Macarena Vivent)
      • The Fair Tracing Project, presentation at Nokia Research Centre, Tampere, Finland, October 10, 2008
        The Fair Tracing Project, Paper presented in the “Green 2.0” session at the Mindtrek 2008 Conference on Social Media and Gaming, Tampere, Finland, 9 October 2008
      • Tracing Global Value Chains: The Fair Tracing Project, presentation at the German Development Agency GTZ in Lima, Peru, 21 August 2008 
      • Research Themes of the Fair Tracing Project. Paper presented at the 5th Workshop of the EPSRC Research Network “Bridging the Global Digital Divide”, London Knowledge Lab, 2 June 2008 (with Ann Light)
      • Can we kick the habit? Taking development beyond the growth paradigm. Paper presented at the CGTP/CEDAR Workshop on “New Directions  in Development Theory and Practice: Interdisciplinary Perspectives”, Royal Holloway, University of London, 29 May 2008
      • Development as Freedom - Erweiterung der persönlichen Freiheit als Ziel von IKT. Invited Presentation for the Scientific Advisory Board of the T-City Project, Friedrichshafen, 14 March 2008 
      • Global social responsibility, technology and consumer choice: the EPSRC Fair Tracing Project. Invited Presentation at the New Political Communication Unit, Department of Politics and International Relations, Royal Holloway, University of London. 6 March 2008 (with Ian Brown, Apurba Kundu, Ann Light, Maria Montero)
      • Limits to Choice: Microentrepreneurs, Information and Communication Technologies and State Policies in Chile. Paper presented at the Policy, Economy and Development in Latin America, interdisciplinary workshop at the Centre for Latin American Studies, Cambridge University. 18 January 2008
      • Report on the Fair Tracing Project. Presented at the EPSRC Bridging the Global Digital Divide Research Network Annual Meeting, Emmanuel College, Cambridge. 8 January 2008, (with Ian Brown, Ashima Chopra, Apurba Kundu, Ann Light, Maria Montero, Christian Wallenta)
      • Found in Translation: Experiences from the Fair Tracing Project. Paper presented at the 2007 Human Computer Interaction Annual Conference, Lancaster University. 4 September 2007, (with Anne Light)
      • Linking local realities: Using technology to connect Fair Trade consumers and producers. Paper presented at the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Annual Conference, London. 31 August 2007
      • Anything but Neutral: The Role of Technology in Development. Invited Presentation at the Open University, Milton Keynes. 28 March 2007
      • Participation is Obligatory – State ICT-Policies and Microentrepreneurs in Chile. Invited Presentation at Bonn University, Germany. 13 December 2006
      • How Fair is Fair Enough? Negotiating Alterity and Compromise within the German Fairtrade Movement. Paper presented at the RGS-IBG Annual Conference, London. 30 August 2006
      • The Politics behind the Technology – Chilean Microentrepreneurs and public ICT policies. Paper presented at the RGS-IBG Annual Conference, London. 1 September 2006
      • The Politics underlying Technology - Chilean Microenterprises and ICTs. Paper presented at the World Forum on the Information Society (in conjunction with the UN World Summit on the Information Society), Tunis, Tunisia. 14-16 November 2005
      • Knowledge for Empowerment? Fallstudien zu Kommunikativen und Sozialen Netzwerken von KleinstunternehmerInnen in Chile. Paper presented at the Carl Zeiss/Heinz Dürr Foundation’s Symposium of Research Fellows, Stuttgart, Germany. 29 September 2005 
      • (Dis-)Empowering Microenterprises with the Help of ICTs? A Systemic Case Study from Chile. Paper presented at the RGS-IBG Annual Conference, London. 31 August 2005
      • Microempresarios, Empoderamiento y TICs. Invited Presentationat the Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile. 23 August 2005
      • Navigating the two worlds of Chile.com and Chile.org -
        Chilean microenterprises and public policies for ICT-Diffusion. Paper presented at the PolGRG/EGRG Conference “Alternative Economic Spaces, New Political Stories”, Kingston-upon-Hull. 11-12 July 2005
      • Knowledge for Empowerment? Fallstudien zu kommunikativen und sozialen Netzwerken von KleinstunternehmerInnen in Chile. Paper presented at the German Geographers’ Conference on Knowledge Transfer, Munich, Germany. 29 April 2005


Dr. Dorothea Kleine
Department of Geography
Royal Holloway, University of London
Egham, Surrey
TW20 0EX
United Kingdom

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